วันเสาร์ที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Girls Satin Shoe with Embroidered Celtic Cross (Size 1)

Girls Satin Shoe with Embroidered Celtic Cross (Size 1) Review

Girls Satin Shoe with Embroidered Celtic Cross (Size 1)

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Girls Satin Shoe with Embroidered Celtic Cross (Size 1) Feature

  • 100% polyester matte satin.
  • The celtic cross on the sole of this shoe makes it the perfect accessory for any white Christening set.

Beautifully constructed girls Mary Jane Christening Shoe made of 100% polyester matte satin. The celtic cross on the sole of this shoe makes it the perfect accessory for any white Christening set. A beautiful rosette accents the tow and the faux button closure actually hides a mommy-friendly Velcro tab.

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